![]() A Summary of Boundaries in Marriage – Speaking the Truth in Love My intent in doing these blogs is to introduce good resources for marriages and families. In the current series about Boundaries in Marriage I’ve discussed what boundaries are and how they work. I wanted to spend the rest of this entry going over some of the other boundary-related issues addressed in Cloud & Townsend’s book. These are discussed below. The requirement for the “oneness” that most of us want in relationships is two healthy individuals. All of us need to overcome our tendency to think the world revolves around us to become emotionally healthy. A healthy individual allows the person they love to have freedom in the relationship, not control. An unhealthy person will assume they always need to be happy, and this will damage all of their relationships. Instead of this unhealthy mindset we need to make the following positive choices. Choosing to love God, to love your spouse, to be honest, to be faithful, to be compassionate and forgiving, and to be holy will put your relationship on the path to being the best it can be. When we love God, we are willing to obey Him, and He gives us reasons to stay together and the power to change. When we love our spouse we identify with her to the point that we feel the effects of our behavior on her. When we are honest with each other, we are more likely to talk about things that, though difficult, can lead us to greater intimacy. When we are faithful to each other it will mean being sexually faithful and also faithful with our hearts. When we are compassionate and forgiving, we are able to deal with the fact that both of us are not perfect. When we choose holiness we are without blame, pure and whole, better able to pursue love and to get rid of things that get in love’s way. There is always a danger of intruders in the marriage relationship. Both spouses must diligently guard against the intrusions of such things as work, children, TV, in-laws, church, etc. All marriages need outside support, and no marriage has all of the resources both partners will need, but be careful what outside supports you chose. For example, the wife who confides more in her mother than in her husband is likely preventing growth in her relationship with her husband. The husband who is overcommitted to his job (or ministry) is also damaging the relationship with the one he committed his life to. It’s also very important to remember that parenting is temporary while marriage is supposed to be permanent. Cloud and Townsend identify several types of conflict including: sin of one spouse, immaturity or brokenness of one person, hurt feelings that are no one’s fault, and desires of one person versus the needs of the relationship. They also describe some “rules” for how do deal with each type of conflict. When conflict involves the sin of one spouse, humility and grace are needed. Then the offended spouse will be able to understand they are not better than the one who offended them. But while we need to be soft on the person, it’s important to be hard on the issue. When conflict is due to the immaturity or brokenness of one partner, it will be necessary for the other partner to accept the reality of the situation, communicate support to their spouse, and develop a plan. When feelings are hurt but no one is to blame, develop a plan to avoid causing the hurts in the first place. When there are conflicting desires, don’t moralize your own preference, and consider meet your spouse’s needs before your own. If conflict is around the needs of one person versus the needs of the relationship, it’s good to remember that marriage needs to come first, but individual needs should also be considered. A final note on boundaries in marriage is that they can be misused. Boundaries are not about escaping responsibility. If a spouse doesn’t communicate when they have set boundaries but only enforces them, this is a misuse of boundaries. Also, if the spouse who sets the boundaries isn’t willing to take ownership of their part of the problem, a misuse of boundaries has occurred. Overall, Boundaries in Marriage by Cloud and Townsend is a great resource for your marriage if you struggle with maintaining a sense of individual freedom and personal integrity in the marriage. The authors do a great job of helping the reader apply Ephesians 4:15 (“… speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ,” NASB). And that’s the way I want to summarize the concept so it’s easy for us to remember: Boundaries are about speaking the truth in love. Here’s an example to help us with the overall concept. Jay is a very structured person; he’s on time, on schedule and organized. Terry is less so. She’s very artistic and creative, and sometimes she gets so involved in the moment that all of her other responsibilities, commitments and obligations are forgotten. Obviously, this is pretty frustrating to Jay, he’s been annoyed by it since they’ve been married and has nagged, criticized and complained about it over the 10 years they’ve been married. But then he’d make excuses for her or try to prevent her (or both of them) from experiencing the consequences of her poor time management. Finally someone directed him to a book on boundaries, and he decided to set up a boundary around this issue. He realized he will have to speak the truth to Terry, but do it in a loving way. So he came to Terry after dinner and asked if they could talk. He knew this was about the lowest stress time in her day, and he chose it because they needed to have a hard conversation. Jay: “Terry, for the last few years I’ve nagged you a lot about trying to get places on time, and I’ve realized that’s not what I should be doing. Even though I’ve said things and been upset with you, I’ve never stood up for what I wanted in this area. But now I want to try something different.” Terry: “I still don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but what are you going to do?” Jay: “It is a big deal for me, and it’s inconsiderate of others. So I’ve decided that when it’s time to leave for anything we’re planning to go to I’m going to leave if you’re ready or if you’re not.” Terry didn’t like the idea, but Jay realized he needed to give her the freedom to experience the consequences of being irresponsible with her time management. The test came a few days later when they were supposed to go to dinner with friends. They were scheduled to meet at 6:00, and it took 15 minutes to get there. At 5:45 Jay saw that Terry was still working away in her studio, so he left for dinner without her. When Terry finally realized that Jay had left she was too embarrassed to join them for dinner and chose to stay home by herself. This kind of thing happened several times over the next few weeks, with Terry opting to stay home each time. But the game changer was an invite to Terry’s parents’ house about a month later. They were supposed to come for lunch on Saturday at noon. Since they lived an hour away, Jay was ready to go at 11:00, but Terry was in the middle of a project and clearly hadn’t thought at all about getting ready to go. Jay didn’t want to go by himself and he didn’t want both of them to drive that far, but he knew he needed to maintain this boundary so he left. When Terry got to her parents’ house (two hours later) Jay and her parents were as kind to her as ever. Terry’s sisters weren’t. After that, Terry got an appointment calendar app on her phone to warn her in advance of scheduled events. Since then Terry has seen that it was good for their relationship for Jay to set up a boundary around this issue. They are having less conflict about it, but also Jay is more pleasant to be around because he’s not as frustrated about her poor time management. In this example, Jay suffered in silence some of the time, but found that his frustration was often coming out as the nagging and complaining. After setting the boundary, he saw that it was actually not loving to prevent Terry from experiencing the consequences of her irresponsibility. This had prevented her from growing and experiencing victory in an area where she had felt like a failure for years. His boundary helped her develop her own boundary. So if you have identified yourself in any of the information I’ve shared, pick up a copy of Boundaries in Marriage by Cloud and Townsend. You may find that setting boundaries with yourself and in your marriage is one of the best things you’ll ever do for your relationship.
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One more blog on Boundaries in Marriage.
To this point what’s been covered in the blog/videos is how boundaries in marriages can be used to help both partners have a voice in the relationship. But when we emphasize this, there’s plenty of potential for misunderstanding. I think the greatest potential misunderstanding we have is to interpret boundaries as a method of getting our spouse to do what we want. But boundaries are first about us. Here’s an example. The couple’s fictional, but the issue is real. When Bill and Brenda got married, Bill wasn’t really ready to “leave and cleave”. He came from a tight-knit family while Brenda was more independent. Over the next three years, Bill consistently made the decision to be with his family on holidays, vacations and lots of other times. When they would talk about their plans for the weekend or the vacation, Brenda would tell Bill she wanted to be with her family, or she wanted to do something with friends, but Bill would always come up with a reason they had to be with his family. Brenda didn’t like it, but didn’t want to make waves so she silently endured as her frustration grew. She would become more resentful, sullen and withdrawn each time they were with his family. Bill felt hurt and frustrated by the change in his normally cheerful and sweet wife. This was becoming a big area of conflict in their marriage. Finally, Brenda made a decision. She took last year’s calendar and added up all of the times they had been with Bill’s family and all of the times they had done what she wanted to do. Then she and Bill had a talk. She told him “I love you and I’m willing to spend some time with your family. But over the last year we were with your family 46 weekends and both of our vacations. That shows me that my desires for what I do with our free time aren’t being honored. So this year I am willing to be with your family 23 weekends and for one of our vacations. The other times I will to choose where we go or what we do. If you choose to be with your family more than this I won’t come along.” As you might guess, this wasn’t very popular with Bill. But over the next year Brenda stuck to her commitment. When Bill made it clear he wasn’t going to limit the number of weekends he was with his family, Brenda began taking some weekends for herself. And before long Bill realized he missed being with his wife, especially since she was becoming less resentful, sullen, and withdrawn. He decided to work out a mutually agreeable schedule with her for their time off. In this story Brenda established some boundaries in the relationship, but she began by establishing boundaries in herself. She didn’t want to stand up to Bill and she didn’t want to be without him during her time off. But she realized that she needed to do these things for the good of the relationship. Also, consistent with Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:5, Brenda needed to deal with her own issues before she could help someone else. She needed to be proactive in addressing her resentment and anger and her fear of conflict so that she could help her husband. She needed to work on a boundary within herself before she worked on a boundary with her husband. In the story, what Brenda did was to take ownership of her life. She had to take Cloud and Townsend’s advice: “We must become more deeply concerned about our own issues than our spouse’s.” Being more deeply concerned about my own issues moves the opportunity to change back to me. As long as I am focused on my wife’s problems, and how she needs to change I am conveniently overlooking my own problems. And I’m not able to change her anyhow; the person I have the most ability to change is me. But even more than my own abilities, my best opportunity for personal change and growth comes from acknowledging to God that I’m not able to do it on my own, and that I need Jesus’ help. Another good effect of setting boundaries on ourselves is that we free our spouse to choose to grow. In the story of Bill and Brenda, as long as Brenda went along with Bill’s immature approach to separating from his family of origin, he didn’t have to choose between his family and her. After she set the boundary of limiting the time with his family, Bill can choose to mature (separate from his parents). So setting boundaries with ourselves (choosing and doing things we may prefer not to do) for the good of our relationships will often allow for improvements in our marriage. But I should point out that our spouse may not choose the path of growth. What then? You have still set up a boundary to make the relationship better for you, and you have grown from doing it. Continue to pray, God isn’t through with any of us yet. I hope to finish up boundaries next time. ![]() We are now through eight of the 10 Laws of Boundaries: (1) Sowing and Reaping, (2) Responsibility, (3) Power, (4) Respect, (5) Motivation, (6) Evaluation, (7) Activity, and (8) Exposure. We’ll go over nine and ten this time. Next is the Law of Activity. It deals with the need work at fixing problems instead of being passive. When one spouse is active and the other is passive, a number of problems can develop. The passive spouse may become too dependent on the other’s initiative. The passive spouse may resent the other. The passive spouse may be controlled by the active one. It’s easy to see that the active spouse will generally be in a better position in the relationship than the passive one, but it’-s possible to change. Cloud and Townsend encourage the passive spouse to tell the active one how difficult it is to be more active, and to ask them for help. The Law of Exposure is the 10th Law. It asserts that we all have boundaries in our marriages, but we may not always tell our spouses about them. A boundary can only work when we communicate with each other about it. The idea here is to promote both love and truth in our relationships. If we love our spouse we need to tell them the truth. Let’s have another Jack and Jill story to illustrate. In comparison to each other, Jill is active while Jack is passive. In some ways this works to Jill’s advantage, since Jack tends to disengage when he came home from work. Because of this, Jill rarely fought with Jack about parenting since Jack really didn’t participate. Earlier in their marriage, they had a few knock-down, drag-out verbal fights about his strictness and her permissiveness. But Jill was better with her words and Jack ended up retreating to his corner defeated. This only happened a few times and Jack decided he didn’t want to continue to lose these fights. So Jack disengaged from parenting. This hurts him because he’s not as close to his kids as he could be. It hurt her because she could benefit from his participation in parenting. It also hurt the children because they need a dad. After talking to a counselor, Jack uses the law of exposure. He tells Jill that he wants to have a conversation with her about how they argue. Jack tells Jill that when it comes to verbal debate he feels like she comes to the fight with a fully armed battleship while he comes with a cap gun. So he knows that if they are going to have a verbal debate he will lose. He tells Jill, “I’m not always wrong; I’m just not as good at arguing as you.” And then he asks Jill if she will help him to present his side of the argument instead of just shutting down. She is willing to try since she wants him to be engaged with the family anyhow. At the end of this list, I would like to reiterate: the reason for going over these laws is to help us understand principles related to setting boundaries in relationships. These boundaries can sound selfish or harsh at times, but they really reflect a level of honesty that sometimes can be lacking in relationships. ![]() I’m continuing with the Laws of Boundaries in Marriage as a part of the discussion about working with a spouse who won’t cooperate. So far we’ve looked at the first four Laws: (1) Sowing and Reaping, (2) Responsibility, (3) Power, and (4) Respect. The fifth Law is the Law of Motivation. Cloud and Townsend explain it like this: “No one can actually love another if he feels he doesn’t have a choice not to.” If this law is misunderstood, could become selfishness – when we only choose to do what we want to do. What is this law saying? Simply this: avoid situations where one spouse feels like they can’t say “no” to their partner’s request because they are afraid of the consequences. To help us understand, here’s an example from a couple I’ve made up. Jill has a close relationship with her mom; she wants to be with her mom at least twice a month. But Jill and her husband Jack live several hours away from Jill’s mom. Jack gives in to Jill and goes with her to see her mother on weekends two or three times a month, but he drags his feet the whole time. He complains about her mother on the way there and on the way back. He is sulky while he at her mother’s house. He also makes sure that all of their friends know what a martyr he is to be with her mother so often. Why is he acting like that? It’s because he doesn’t want to go but he’s afraid to tell Jill. Why is he afraid? He fears the consequences of telling her. The consequences are (1) losing the approval of Jill’s mother, and (2) being seen as the bad guy. So e tries to sweep his feelings under the rug. But rug is lumpy. It would be better for their relationship if Jack would follow the law of motivation. As it is, he gives in to what she wants but then makes her pay for it. To follow the law of motivation Jack and Jill need to have what will be a difficult conversation. The conversation could sound like this: “Jill, I know how much you like to be with your mom and I want to honor that. But we go there more than I’d like. I’d like us to be able to reach a compromise on this…” The rest of the conversation might include how they could structure their travel plans in such a way that they both get some of what they want and they both give the other some of what the other wants. The Law of Evaluation states: Just because someone is in pain doesn’t necessarily mean something bad is happening. With this law Cloud and Townsend are pointing out that pain can have a good purpose and when one spouse wants to step in and save the other from pain it may not be a good thing. To understand this better let’s hear another Jack and Jill story. Jack and Jill have been married for several years and they both have good jobs. But Jack really loves to give Jill gifts. So he takes every opportunity to shower Jill with expensive stuff. He gives her a trip to Europe for her birthday, a new car for their anniversary, buys a timeshare for Christmas, etc. Jill keeps track of their finances and she can see that despite the good jobs they have, Jack’s habit of buying expensive gifts has them in serious financial trouble. But the gifts he buys are for her. What makes it even harder is that she sees how happy it makes him when she acts thrilled with yet another gift. It’s hard for her to act happy about each new thing since she knows their finances are in such terrible shape. But she does it because she just doesn’t want to cause him pain. Jill is confusing pain with injury. It is true that if Jill would have conversation with Jack about how bad those gifts are for their finances, Jack would feel pain. But that wouldn’t injure him. In fact, that conversation is certainly what he needs sooner than later. The pain that Jill thinks she is sparing Jack from is actually just being postponed. Jack and Jill are in an unsustainable pattern and eventually their creditors will step in and want their money back. As long as Jill is unwilling to talk to Jack about his spending problem she is actually denying him an opportunity to grow up. Confronting Jack might cause him pain, but it at least gives him the opportunity for emotional/spiritual growth. Not confronting him denies him of this opportunity and makes Jill an enabler. Both of these laws encourage us to be open with our partners instead of taking the easier path of avoiding conflict. But it’s not hard to see that in the end, being open with our spouse and working through the conflict will be better for our relationships than if we continue to pretend the problems aren’t there. ![]() I’ve been using these blogs to teach about boundaries in marriage – we got here after talking about communication. If you remember, we’re addressing the situation when one member of the couple doesn’t want to work on the relationship. So now we’re going through the 10 Laws of Boundaries in Marriage. Law number two is the Law of Responsibility. Cloud and Townsend summarize it by saying that as couples we are responsible to the other, but not for the other. The Bible deals with this issue by giving us two unique commands in Galatians 6. Galatians 6:2 tells us to bear one another’s burdens, and Galatians 6:5 instructs each one to bear his own load. The difference is that in vs. 2, the Greek word refers to a heavy burden, while in vs 5 the Greek word refers to daily responsibilities. How does that apply in marriage? Well, as married individuals we are in a good position to help our spouse if or when they have difficult things to bear. For example, if your wife is grieving the loss of a sibling, you can help her carry that grief by being there for her. If your husband was passed over for a much-expected promotion, you can listen to him (without offering suggestions). Those are examples of bearing the heavy burden of another (Gal 6:2). But we all have daily responsibilities that are ours to carry. So the husband who does not love his wife is neglecting the daily responsibility he has taken on by being married. In this case he is not “bearing his own load” (Gal 6:5). Or, a wife might feel like she needs to make her grumpy husband happy. This is a problem because ultimately, his mood is his own daily responsibility. Law number three - the Law of Power. This law helps us to understand what we have power over and what we don’t. We can’t control attitudes and actions of anyone else. For example, it might be our greatest desire to make our husband spend responsibly, quit drinking, etc., but we do not have the power to do that. So what do we have power over? First, over our own actions/attitudes to a good extent. We have the power to repent of our sinful ways, to confess them, and even make amends to those we’ve hurt. We also have the power to ask God for help to change, and to make us willing to change. For example, if you’re tired of how your wife regularly puts you down, you could kindly tell her that. But in the same conversation you can ask her if you are doing things that are hurtful to her. This is consistent with what Jesus says when He tells us to take the log out of our own eye before we try to take a speck out of someone else’s eye (Matt 7:1-5). Your attitude of being willing to change might help your wife be willing to change as well. We can also influence our spouse. Say you’ve repeatedly asked your husband to check with you before purchasing items over $100. And say he consistently doesn’t. After clearly communicating your intent, an appropriate response might be to take steps to separate your finances. The Law of Respect is next – if we want others to respect our boundaries, we need to respect theirs. In marriage, this means honoring the choices our spouse makes, choices that may be different than ours. Here’s an example: early in our marriage, my wife and I would have conflict around household chores. I was willing to help, but I would often do things the way I had done them as a bachelor. My wife would want them done the way she was used to doing them. During a “discussion” about a particular issue (I don’t remember what) I told her “Just because your family does it this way doesn’t make it right.” I just checked, the Boundaries in Marriage book was written in 1999, and I am sure this “discussion” happened before then. But my wife didn’t need the book to know that it was a good idea to honor the boundary I set up. Because she honored my boundary there (and many other times), it’s easier for me to honor her boundaries. We’ll continue with the Law of Motivation next time. |
October 2021